Hiking in the Sinis

Hiking in the West Coast of Sardinia
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Hiking in Sardinia, in the Sinis

Hiking in the West Coast

Hiking in Sardinia, in the West Coast, with a certified environmental guide

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In search of the sacred scarab

Evening hike along the beaches of the West Coast, waiting for the sunset. The itinerary offers the unique colors of the Sardinian coast, along with direct contact with nature and the millennia-old history of this wonderful island. A beach picnic adds the finishing touch to the emotions of this excursion!

Difficulty: Expert
Route: Flat
Elevation Gain: 3 meters
Experience Duration: 5 hours, including the tasting
Kilometers: 9.77
Price: 60 euros per person (minimum 2)
Start: 6:30 PM

Sensory walk in the pine forest

A pleasant stroll through the pine forest and the sea of Is Arenas, amidst intoxicating scents of Mediterranean plants and wild beaches. Snack in the midst of nature with breathtaking views! Excursion for families and groups looking to enjoy the beauty of the western coast in complete relaxation!

Difficulty: Beginner
Route: Flat
Elevation Gain: 45 meters
Experience Duration: 3 - 4 hours, including the tasting
Kilometers: 5.28
Price: 50 euros per person (minimum 2)
Start: 9:30 AM

Cape San Marco: The Mysteries of Sinis

The west coast of Sardinia holds an invaluable treasure: the Sinis Peninsula. A millennia-old history, rich in mysteries and pristine beaches. Discovering Tharros, the necropolises of San Giovanni, but also a lot of nature and energy. A historical and naturalistic excursion open to all.

Difficulty: Moderate
Route: Flat
Elevation Gain: 150 meters
Experience Duration: 4 hours, including tasting
Kilometers: 6
Price: 60 euros per person (minimum 2)
Start: 9:30 AM

All the excursions in Sinis

Here you can find the complete descriptions of the excursions on the West Coast of Sardinia
Excursion in the Is Arenas Pine Forest

Sensory walk in the pine forest

A pleasant walk amidst the pine forest and the sea of Is Arenas, surrounded by intoxicating scents of Mediterranean plants and wild beaches.
Hike to Sa Rocca Tunda and Su Crastu

In search of the sacred scarab

Evening excursion along the beaches of the west coast, waiting for the sunset
Excursion in the Sinis Peninsula

Cape San Marco: The Mysteries of Sinis

The west coast of Sardinia guards an invaluable treasure: the Sinis Peninsula. A millennia-old history rich in mysteries
Hike to Santa Caterina di Pittinuri

Between sea and mountain: the lunar landscapes of Santa Caterina di Pittinuri

The variety of landscapes on the west coast includes not only beaches but also mountains! Santa Caterina di Pittinuri offers stunning views, with white tufa cliffs overlooking the sea and the Montiferru mountains gazing at the coast.
Hike to the Seu and Maimoni Oasis

The quartz beaches of the West Coast

The quartz beaches of Sinis are one of the most beautiful treasures of the Oristano coast. The excursion is very simple and at the same time enjoyable. We will take many swims in the crystal-clear waters and reach a sacred site where there is a Nuragic well on the beach and near it, the effigy carved into the rock of the God Maimoni, according to archaeologists, the deity of water.
Hike to Sorgono

Wine and Menhirs: a journey to the heart of the island

An enogastronomic excursion tied to the territory, the heart of Mandrolisai, a region rich in vineyards and the eponymous wine 'Il Mandrolisai,' with its distinctive taste, a blend of Bovale, Cannonau, and Monica, three skillfully blended indigenous grape varieties, creating Mandrolisai Doc. The area is intriguing for its wine, the warmth of its inhabitants, and the millennia-old history hidden in its forests. Sorgono is the perfect geographical center of Sardinia, where the mysterious Menhirs are located: we will go to discover them
Hike to Cape Mannu

Cape Mannu: the Windy Coast

La costa di Capo Mannu è una continua sorpresa: l’arenaria, sabbia fossilizzata, crea forme strane, il vento scolpisce rocce simili a funghi, a volte sembrano volti umani. L’itinerario è olfattivo, per la ricchezza di piante aromatiche mediterranee e visivo per la bellezza dei paesaggi.
Bike excursion

Bike ride along the coast: Putzu Idu - Is Aruttas

Bike and walking excursion. Some parts of the route are best enjoyed by stopping and taking a walk with our bike beside us. The landscapes are quite diverse, from the small village of Putzu Idu with its beaches and the daily life of its people, to the wild beaches of S’arena Scoada and Su Tingiosu.
Kayak excursion

Tharros - the submerged city. Kayak tour.

The Sinis Peninsula, in its thousands of years of history, holds the traces of ancient civilizations, all waiting to be discovered. We will cross 'the dead sea,' so named because it is as calm as a lake. With the kayak, we will have a good view of the remains of the city of Tharros, with some parts of it still underwater. We'll take a swim in front of a Roman villa, in the company of our ancestors.
Guida escursionistica ambientale Domingo Arru
Who I am
My name is Domingo, and I hold a degree in Cultural Anthropology. I am a certified environmental guide. I would like to offer you unique experiences and share all the knowledge I have about the territory of the West Coast and its secrets!
The reviews
I love to give emotions!
  • To sum up this experience in three words... truly unique, absolutely not to be missed.

    USA, settembre 2022
  • An easy trip from Cagliari and a wonderful experience. Domingo is very knowledgeable about the area and an excellent guide. Plus, the natural beauty is amazing
    USA, February 2022
  • La visita con Domingo è un'esperienza che consiglio vivamente, oltre alle informazioni che vengono fornite durante la bellissima passeggiata, Domingo è una persona curiosa, gentile e disponibile non solo nella condivisione delle proprie conoscenze ma anche nell'ascolto delle esigenze altrui. Inoltre, i prodotti offerti agli ospiti sono veramente squisiti! Con Domingo si ha la possibilità di approfondire non solo la storia ma anche la cultura ed i ritmi di questa splendida terra.
    France, aprile 2019
  • “...Volevamo vedere la Sardegna attraverso gli occhi di una persona del luogo e, allo stesso tempo, volevamo scoprire luoghi difficili da trovare. Entrambe queste aspettative sono state soddisfatte alla perfezione. Domingo è un insegnante di cuore, ama spiegare e mostrare le cose, è stato fantastico. Inoltre, l'inglese non era un problema, era un sollievo. Abbiamo scoperto le piante locali, la storia del luogo, la storia della Sardegna, mentre facevamo un po' di snorkeling e tante escursioni. Abbiamo vissuto una bellissima costa di sabbia bianca. Domingo è stato molto flessibile con il tempo, sia all'inizio (posticipiamo l'orario di inizio) che con la lentezza. La mia raccomandazione per i turisti è quella di iniziare il prima possibile, per sfuggire al sole del primo pomeriggio più caldo. Domingo ci ha anche trattato con un pasto delizioso alla fine. Ti consigliamo vivamente questo viaggio!”

    Czech Republic, August 2022
  • We had a great morning with Domingo. He knows a lot about the area and can make it exciting. All kinds of surprises await us. And finally a nice lunch. Greetings Bea
    Paesi Bassi, ottobre 2022
  • Es war ein magischer Tag. Alles war perfekt; das Wetter, die Temperatur, die Farben von Meer und Vegetation. Domingo hat mir einen magischen Ort nahegebracht und mit seinem Hintergrundwissen zum Leben erweckt. Ganz herzlichen Dank Domingo!
    Swiss, agosto 2021
  • My son and I really enjoyed this experience. Domingo is an extremely well educated person from a naturalistic and historic perspective and extends a hand of friendship beyond the call of duty with great English. Sharing songs on the beach was a special moment. Thank you made our week
    Dublin, February 2020
  • Our day of hiking with Domingo was full of surprises related to nature and archeology. Domingo made the hike so much fun and we learned so much about the area. He did this by sharing stories and bringing Sardinia alive through experiences. We climbed on rocks, discovered plants and flowers, and pieces of old Roman pottery, touched clay found near the ocean. We had a peaceful and delicious lunch in the spectacular quarry nicknamed the “ballroom“ down by the ocean. We went to the quartz beach and soaked in the warmth of the sun for a few moments. And we listened to some great music while he drove us to our destination :-). Domingo offered us many other suggestions of things to see and do in Sardinia for the remainder of our trip. When we return to Sardinia for another trip we will definitely contact Domingo again. Domingo showed us a piece of Sardinia’s heart!

    USA, April 2019
  • Domingo is a great guide, cares about the tours he gives and cares that guests have a good experience. Exploring the different ruins was very interesting and stimulated my imagination to think of life thousands of years ago. Highly recommended!
    USA, January 2020
Book your hiking in Sinis
Contact me for more information or to book a tour in Sinis.