Esoteric Sardinia

Nature hiking on the West Coast of Sardinia
Individual and group tours

“Power spots”

Tombs of the Giants, Sardinia
The coast of Oristano is captivating for its splendid nature, but it also holds a lesser-known and mysterious aspect: exploring its interior with attentive and curious eyes, one can visit numerous "magical" places along the coasts and in the inland areas, also known as “power spots”.
It's unnecessary to engage in strenuous trekking to discover these “power spots”. In fact, along the 131 road towards Sassari, approximately 40 km from Oristano, you can admire the Santa Cristina Well, one of the most interesting archaeological sites in Sardinia.
A "place of power" is often associated with the cult of water, so it is likely to be encountered in the form of a sacred spring or well: in fact, water was the symbol of fertility, abundance, and life for the entire Nuragic people.
To understand when you are in a magical place, it's not important to have studied archaeology or history, nor is it necessary to know everything about that place. Simply revert to being a child, and cleanse yourself from the superstructures of what we think we know about reality.

A child is open, curious, and ready to accept the world with new eyes and an open perception. Sometimes, for us adults, it can be useful to touch a stone, hug a tree, take deep breaths, or even meditate, letting oneself go to the silences and the energy of the "magical" place.
We are talking about Oristano and its coast, but obviously, this discussion can be extended to the entire Sardinia. This island is unique; all those who visit it, even superficially for its sea and beaches, feel this inexplicable "energy."
Hiking or trekking along the coast of Oristano and the interior of the island is the simplest way to discover these "magical" places. The Sinis conceals extraordinary treasures in this regard. For instance, The Monti Prama area, where the statues of giants were discovered, preserves beneath its limestone hills, one of the most important cult sites in the Mediterranean.
San Giovanni di Sinis, on the coast of Oristano, harbors an enormous ancient necropolis still concealed beneath the foundations of houses and under the sands of the beaches. To discover these magical places, for those unaccustomed to certain "energies," it is necessary to have a guide capable of taking the seeker by the hand and leading them beyond the normal perceptions of the senses, closer to their inner child's soul.
Chi sono
Mi chiamo Domingo, sono laureato in Antropologia culturale e sono guida ambientale certificata. Vorrei offrirvi emozioni uniche e trasmettervi tutta la conoscenza che ho del territorio della Costa Ovest e dei suoi segreti!
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