Excursions in Sinis with a certified environmental guide

Strolling along the beaches of Sinis

Nature hiking on the West Coast of Sardinia
Individual and group tours
Strolling along the beaches of Sinis
Sardegna, Costa Ovest
Despite its relatively small size, the province of Oristano offers a diverse array of coastal landscapes, each distinct in shape, color, and sea conditions. Our journey begins with the beaches of the San Giovanni peninsula.

The San Giovanni peninsula acts as a natural divider between two strikingly different seas: the "living sea," often rough and windswept, and the "dead sea," which remains calm and sheltered for most of the year. The beaches along the living sea are sandy with crystal-clear waters, while those along the dead sea consist of coves nestled amidst the remnants of the ancient city of Tharros, founded by the Phoenicians 2500 years ago.

From San Giovanni, we continue to Funtana Meiga, a hilly locality just 1 km away, boasting numerous coves—some sandy, some rocky. Our journey takes us to the paradise beach, where, in the absence of oceanic posidonia, the sands remain pristine white, and the sea gleams with emerald hues.
Continuing along the coast, we reach Maimoni, where a barren, sandy landscape unfolds, adorned with Mediterranean flora like rosemary and thyme, until we arrive at Is Aruttas.
Is Aruttas is a beach entirely blanketed in white quartz, which has accumulated over 65 million years through the sea's currents. The origins of this quartzite can be traced to the nearby island of Maluentu, a granite platform where the sea has gradually eroded quartz crystals and deposited them on the beach of Is Aruttas.

As we trek along the Sinis coast, tracing the cliffs of Su Tingiosu, we eventually reach S'arena Scoada, where the sea takes on stunning shades of blue and green, thanks to the incredibly white seabed. Putzu Idu stands out as the safest and most family-friendly beach, characterized by a shallow seabed that extends up to 300 meters from the shore, making it perfect for children.
The coastal journey continues with Sa Rocca Tunda and Su Crastu Biancu—long, white beaches with crystal-clear waters, ideal for families. Is Arenas, with its desert-like sand hues, ushers in a change in character as the winds blow stronger, allowing you to fully immerse in the scents and power of the sea.

Beyond Is Arenas, the coastline undergoes a dramatic transformation. Here, tuff rock becomes dominant, serving as a testament to the presence of an ancient volcano that shaped this landscape millions of years ago. Along this stretch, you'll discover not just beaches but also secluded coves, including Torre del Pozzo, S'archittu, and Santa Caterina di Pittinuri. The wind-carved rocks take on peculiar forms, resembling a whale or a mushroom, and as you traverse this terrain, you'll encounter lunar landscapes that evoke a sense of wonder.

Who I am
My name is Domingo, I hold a degree in Cultural Anthropology, and I am a certified environmental guide. I would like to offer you unique experiences and share all the knowledge I have about the territory of the West Coast and its secrets!