Hiking in Sinis with a certified environmental guide

Birdwatching in Sinis

Naturalistic hikes on the west coast of Sardinia
Individual and group

Exploring Birdwatching in Sinis: A Paradise for Bird Enthusiasts
Some species present in our territory
Sinis, a beautiful natural area located on the western coast of Sardinia, is a true paradise for birdwatching enthusiasts. With its diverse habitats, including lagoons, ponds, beaches, and wetlands, Sinis attracts a wide range of migratory and resident bird species. This region offers visitors the opportunity to embark on a unique and fascinating birdwatching experience, immersing themselves entirely in the island's natural beauty.

Where to Begin Birdwatching To kickstart your birdwatching adventure in Sinis, the Regional Natural Park of Monti Ferru is an excellent starting point. With extensive Mediterranean vegetation, cork oak forests, and ancient mines, this area provides an ideal environment for spotting a variety of birds. Here, you can expect to observe species such as the Corsican Finch, the Lesser Grey Shrike, the Nightingale, the Black Redstart, and the Chaffinch.

The Cabras Lagoon: A Bird Oasis The Cabras Lagoon is one of Sinis' hidden gems and one of Sardinia's best wetland areas. This lagoon is a crucial stop for birdwatching, especially during migration periods. The lagoon serves as an essential resting and refueling spot for numerous migratory birds on their journey. Some of the common species you can spot here include the Greater Flamingo, the Grey Heron, the Teal, and the Coot.

The Mistras Pond Continuing along the birdwatching trail, you can't miss the Mistras Pond. This vast wetland area hosts a wide variety of bird species, making it another must-visit location for bird enthusiasts. Here, you can hope to spot the Black-winged Stilt, the Great White Egret, the Kingfisher, and a variety of ducks such as the Mallard and the Northern Shoveler.

Tips for a Successful Experience Binoculars and Camera: Make sure to bring good binoculars to get a closer look at the birds without disturbing them, and a camera to capture those unforgettable moments. Appropriate Attire: Wear comfortable and discreet clothing in natural colors to avoid startling the birds. Silence and Patience: Birdwatching requires silence and patience. Try to be quiet and wait patiently for the birds to come closer. Respect for the Environment: Remember to respect the environment and the wildlife. Do not disturb or get too close to the birds to avoid causing stress.
Exploring birdwatching in Sinis is a magical experience that allows you to connect with nature and discover the richness of the local wildlife. Each season offers unique opportunities for spotting migratory and resident birds, so no matter when you visit this beautiful region, you're sure to have a memorable experience. Prepare your equipment, learn to recognize the typical species of this area, and embark on a birdwatching adventure in Sinis that will connect you with the majesty of nature and the beauty of wild birds.

Here is some information about some bird species found in our area:
The Corsican Finch (Carduelis corsicana) is a bird of the Finch family, endemic to Corsica and Sardinia. It has a length of 12-13 cm, brown-olive plumage with dark streaks, a black facial mask, a forked tail, and a conical beak. It feeds on seeds and buds.

The Lesser Grey Shrike (Lanius collurio) is a bird of the Shrike family, found in Europe, Asia, and Africa. It has a length of 18 cm, with plumage that varies depending on gender: males have a hazel back, a gray nape, a white and black tail, and pink undersides; females have a gray-brown back, a brown nape, a brown tail with white tips, and whitish undersides. It feeds on insects and small vertebrates.

The Golden Oriole (Oriolus oriolus) is a bird of the Oriole family, found in Europe, Asia, and Africa. It has a length of 23-24 cm, yellow and black plumage in males, olive-green and brown in females. It has a strong, pointed beak, a short, rounded tail, and feeds on fruit, berries, and insects.
The Black Redstart (Phoenicurus ochruros) is a bird of the Muscicapidae family, found in Europe, Asia, and Africa. It has a length of 14-16 cm, dark gray plumage in males, ashy gray in females. It has a red-orange tail in both sexes. It feeds on insects, berries, and seeds.

The Chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs) is a bird of the Finch family, found in Europe, Asia, and Africa. It has a length of 15 cm, with plumage that varies depending on gender: males have a brown back with black streaks, a blue-gray head with a red cheek patch, black and white wings, and a red-orange breast; females have a brown back with dark streaks, a brown head with a beige cheek patch

Who I am
My name is Domingo, I hold a degree in Cultural Anthropology, and I am a certified environmental guide. I would like to offer you unique experiences and share all the knowledge I have about the territory of the West Coast and its secrets!